Murray Mark
5th April 2016
Just under 30 brethren were present at Murray Mark Lodge to witness the Installation of their Master Elect W Bro Martin Stokes. It was the second time round for Martin, the first being back in 2004. Since then, Martin has held several offices in the lodge including that of DC.
The principal guest for the evening was V.W. Bro Ian Douglas Nairn PGJO Asst. Pr.GM, accompanied by a galaxy of Grand Officers, including V.W. Bro Danny Jones PGJO, P.Asst. PGM, David Emmerson PAGDC Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies, Ray Martland PGJO, Ray Pye PAGSwdB, who was acting as Pr. DC for the evening Oh! and me behind the camera.
After occupying the chair of Adoniram for two years it was time for Peter Carletti to perform his last duty, to install his successor. This was done in an exemplary manor and with excellent support from lodge DC Terry Dickinson who did a first class job organised the ceremony.
The addresses to the Master, Wardens and Overseers were given by Gordon Turner, Bill McMath and John Aitken respectively. Terry Dickinson was still on form when he went on to present the Working Tools and give an explanation of The Key Stone Jewel.
After all that enjoyment in the Lodge the Brethren were eager to find their seats at the Festive Board to enjoy the tasty meal that had been prepared.
I will be back here at Pemberton next week at Rose and Thistle Lodge for another thrilling instalment of MARK MASONRY.  

Article and Photographs Courtesy of Ken Alker. Special Rep.